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Saturday 20 June 2020

Spenser Confidential

Is 'Spenser Confidential' (2020) available to watch on UK Netflix ...

To be fair to 'Spenser Confidential' it is a good movie with enough in its arsenal to keep you hooked. Where it shambles badly is it feels like you've seen this movie a few times in the past even on your first watch cause it severely cries out for originality. Mark Wahlberg does a professional job of carrying it in his shoulders and bringing it home.

Highs: Great atmosphere through and through, good action scenes, Congenial story that you can follow without an in-depth analysis.

Lows: Lacks authenticity in its core. Lazy plot and mediocre supporting act make it lose the punch that it tries to deliver several times. The very predictable and disappointing ending adds a very sarcastic icing on the cake.

Rating: 3 ***


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