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Thursday 18 June 2020

My Spy

My Spy (2020) | Fandango

A highly enticing affair about a pair of CIA agents and their unconventional accomplice. My Spy is going to surprise you by overachieving at times due to strong script and consummating dialogue and character writing. However, the film fails to surprise and the predictability factor hurts the otherwise good and likable film.

Highs: Dave Bautista delivers a very charming and engaging performance. Side actors also convey a satisfying feat. Dialogue and atmosphere creation are engaging and delivers solid memorable moments. The ending is calculable but still manages to pack enough punch to give a sense of accomplishment.

Lows:  Overall the film never aims too high and is not funny or comic enough to earn additional respect. Barely tests the intelligence of the audience and fails to become a big-league or indelible film.

Rating: 3.5 ***/*


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