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Monday 15 June 2020


Looper Movie Poster' Prints - |

Looper is without a doubt one of the most eccentric, unique and thought-provoking sci-fi films you will see. Fans of the genre will be delighted to experience this distinct film that borrows heavily from action movies but still emerges as a successful science fiction motion picture with its solitary design. The first half expertly promotes what to come and it ends grand as well but it is in the middle where the film takes too much time and wastes a few scenes.

Highs: At its core the script has one of the most glistering theories that has even been executed in a film. Action scenes are particularly impressive and have been blended well. 

Lows: Side characters are not written with clarity and most of them lack motive and prominence. The middlemost scenes are not edited superbly.

Rating: 4 ****


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