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Monday 15 June 2020

12 Years a Slave

12 Years a Slave (2013) - IMDb

What can I say about this film? It's a hard film to review as this has truly made me speechless and moved more than any motion picture did in a while. It's real, raw, noble, and brilliant. Writing to direction, Acting to execution everything is flawless here and it's one of the reasons film making is as great as it is today. It's a spectacle and a must-watch for every human being. 

Highs: One of the finest direction and acting you will ever witness in movies. It's how history should be presented and everything in that department is outstanding, radiant, and magnificent.

Lows: Barely has any: but, if anything could've been an improvement then it's how the film makes its use of time. A couple of characters were not described enough about their past and their back-stories may appear as perplexing.

Rating: 5 *****


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