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Wednesday 24 June 2020

The Lobster

The Lobster (2015) - IMDb

One of the most unique movies you will ever see. The Lobster is a comedy movie that is at most times way too different for my taste. Its made for a certain kind of audience and if you don't feel the vibe of the movie in the first few minutes then do yourself a favor and avoid it. Having said that a few scenes are so genuine and authentic that the movie may be worth watching only for those master skillful scenes.

Highs: Some really good laughs at times that you should not miss. The movie tests your patience but pays off through them every once in a while.

Lows: Bores way too much than it should. The story and writing team asks more from the audience than they should have and makes the movie feel like a waste of time for way too long. Satires also misfire more than hitting the target.

Rating: 2 **


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