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Thursday 11 June 2020

Girl on the 3rd Floor


Girl on the Third Floor (2019) - IMDb             
An orthodox horror movie with enough jump scares to terrify, riddles to solve and gores to find guilty pleasures at. The good ol' traditional style of goth horror flick fans are gonna love this movie. It's nothing you have not seen before though and lacks in the creativity department. Sublime acting by main leads Phil 'CM punk' Brooks and Sarah Brooks makes this a better than average scary movie for sure.

Highs: Lead and side characters are written wonderfully. The script stars becoming relatable after the first half and controls the movie eloquently. Twists are plain fun and pleasing for the true horror lovers. Ending also deserves a lot of credit.

Lows: Occasional scary scenes feels confusing and forced. Atmosphere creation and set design feels low budget and damages the projects eminence.

Rating: 3.5 ***/*


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