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Saturday, 11 July 2020


Conviction. Just watched this movie last night. Great film ...

Conviction is a movie about one of the most persistent characters I have ever seen in a motion picture. Played by a brilliant Hilary Swank the character drives the script on her own and quality writing helps her end things without dropping any of the palatial standards. This approach of relying too heavily on one character backfires in the second half and even though the film ends on a high it loses points for under using the strength of the script, storytelling, and other effulgent personalities.

Highs: First half has tons of craft and allows the audience enough breathing space to have a grasp of the seemingly complicated plot. The screenplay does a magnificent job of bringing the best of the main lead and that is most definitely the film's strength.

Lows: The storytelling part feels week and emotions are not enough organized. The presentation and ambiance feel dull and low. 

Rating: 4 ****


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