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Tuesday 30 June 2020

The Full Monty

The Full Monty (1997) - IMDb

Writing a good comedy script can be quite a challenge because what is humorous for the scriptwriter may not funny or amusing to a lot of us. Not this one though. 'The Full Monty' sets the gold standard for scripts that wanna be funny, logical, active, and entertaining. A masterclass film that draws a very simple and finespun picture on the canvas and along the way produces many neat and refined emotions.

Highs: Acting and direction are outstanding. Genuinely funny and praiseworthy dialogues help produce many memorable scenes. The ending is brave and even with its simplistic mold harvests a momentous closure.

Lows: The strong script produces a variety of emotions and at times the film tussles to set its true tone.

Rating: 5 *****


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