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Sunday 21 June 2020

Sorry to bother you

Sorry to Bother You (2018) - IMDb

You know you wanna see an original movie right? Even if it's not very good you'd still appreciate an original and brand new concept? Well, I would. 'Sorry to bother you' is as new of a movie you will ever see. Extremely original and stands on its own that it can easily even ask for its new genre. For the experimental movie lovers only.

Highs: Fresh, piping hot story and decently acted. Dialogues are best in class. The ending is full of energy and extremely exciting.

Lows: Legitimately dark especially in the first half. The freshness of the story is a total hit or a complete miss depending on your taste. Gambles too much and could have been more risk-free to produce a more memorable experience.

Rating: 3.5 ***/*


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