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Sunday 28 June 2020

Funny People

Funny People - vpro cinema - VPRO

Adam Sandler and Seth Rogan are two of my favorite comic actors of all time. They are both amazing and have their individuality in their path to greatness. 'Funny People' is the combination of this dream duo and you expect fireworks. And to be fair fireworks do start to fly in only to be abrupted impetuously. The film focuses more on the drama and forgets its Dramedy identity which was good to begin with.

Highs: Stars great and hooks you off the bat. Sandler and Rogan build plausible chemistry. The film feels down to earth and never extra ambitious than it should thanks to solid writing.

Lows: Drags after the first half and some scenes are plain annoying and pointless. A couple unnecessary angles starts of nowhere and ending is also bland.

Rating: 3 ***


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