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Wednesday 1 July 2020

Ford vs Ferrari

Ford v Ferrari by James Mangold |Christian Bale, Matt Damon, Jon ...

Once every often you'll see a film and feel like no superlatives will do justice to describe how good it really is. I felt that way about Ford vs Ferrari. A crafted masterpiece and a genuine piece of art the film is awe-inspiring and deserves every plaudit it has received thus far. Every single aspect is made with gentle care, tons of craftsmanship, and elevated rectitude. Based on a true story this is a must-watch.

Highs: From the story to the plot, the writing to acting, from screenplay to special effects everything is exquisite. You will be dragged to the middle of the plot and feel everything the movie intends to do; It is that good.

Lows: The first half takes a little longer to kick off and that can be testing.

Rating: 5 *****


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