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Sunday 20 December 2020

Scare Me!

 Scare Me (2020) - IMDb

Playing a whimsical and quirky character is a Heluva challenge for any actor and an even bigger challenge for the filmmaker to make a solid movie out of an unconventional and quizzical script. Supremely talented actor Aya Cash and director/actor Josh Ruben do those things with conviction, grace, panache, and most importantly a ton of humor. The film may not be everyone's cup of tea and that is understandable as it's not made to please a mass audience but it's for a niche crowd of Horror/Comedy genre movie lovers who appreciates Top-Drawer method acting, dialogues, and brilliant display of talent.

Highs: Coming back to it performance from the two leads Aya Cash and Josh Ruben is magnificent. They really stretched the brilliance of Method acting and created something wonderful. There are only two supporting characters who did a sharp job in their pint-sized roles. Everything from the dialogue to scriptwriting, Music to ambiance creation is well thought and perfectly executed. 

Lows; At certain points, the film may appear as a low-budget affair. As powerful as the script is it lacks an overall accomplishment factor. Punchy and quirky dialogues may appear puzzling to certain minds and the fact that the film is not made for mass movie lovers even from the Horror genre needs to be certainly identified as a disavowing element.

Rating: 4 ****


Tuesday 8 December 2020

Last Christmas

 EclairPlay - Italy - Movie: LAST CHRISTMAS

A solid Christmas tale at its core Last Christmas is a well-written show with innocence and chastity empowering it through and through. A very charming Emilia Clarke takes it upon herself to carry the film and she manages to hit a very deserving home run. Supporting characters do their job accordingly and professional performances earn credibility on that front. Having said the good things the story lacks practicality and believable factors and also, misses on more awe-inspiring moments. 

Highs: Leading lady Emilia Clarke is brilliant. She holds the film together and her charisma is a big takeaway. The set design is breathtaking at certain scenes and London looks as pretty as it originally is during the Christmas season. The feel-good factor is used delicately and the script never relies on it too much. 

Lows: The twist and the evident ending feels forced and by the end, I felt like the movie just satisfied the craving for a sticky Christmas pudding. 

Rating: 3.5 ***/*



Monday 17 August 2020

The Gentleman


Only certain genius directors are able to stamp their blueprint and individuality in a project and Guy Ritchie is one of them. 'The Gentleman' is a crown jewel addition to his list of triumphs. Brilliantly put together from beginning to end. Funny, sparkling, rapid, magnificently acted, and a masterpiece of a film. Looking for your generation's best gangster movie that is easy on your brain and doesn't make you feel bemused while figuring out what's going on? Here's your Huckleberry.

Highs: Acting from the ensemble cast is beyond great. Shows what great casting can do. Vigorously poised and hard-hitting which impossible to be disliked. Fun and humor are constant throughout the film even at some of its worst scenes.

Lows: Story is not the find of the century or the most original but everything else is so good that it barely hurts.

Rating: 4.5 ****/*


A Rainy Day in New York


Story of a couple's adventure-filled day in the Big Apple where their characters are tested and relationships alter forever sounds like an intriguing plot. And to be fair it is.  Classy direction by Woody Allen and lazy screenplay makes a good combination of a good and not so good of a movie. Feels stretched at times and even though the plot has well intentions it slips at places and doesn't give itself a chance to recover.

Highs: Addition of Selena Gomez, Jude Law, and Diego Luna add much-needed star power. The entire movie has a feel-good vibe to it and genuinely funny at some scenes. Music is really pleasing and adds a very elegant touch to the ambiance of the film.

Lows: Badly edited and sluggish at most scenes. Storywriting lacks the 'oomph factor' and never really impresses beyond its consistency.

Rating: 3 ***


The Invisible Man

 The Invisible Man Poster 53 | GoldPoster

A solid suspense thriller 'The Invisible Man'' is what I would call a timeless movie. Cleverly narrated the film does not lack suspense and mystery and does an outstanding job of unveiling its secrets. The plot definitely cares about providing the audience a fine and flavorful experience and even at times, things don't feel extra special it never lets the standards drop. It's predictable but never stale. Stellar acting by lead lady Elizabeth moss.

Highs: First class script and character writing always keep things moving with urgency. The ambiance is also improved from other films of the genre. The ending has a lot of credibilities and manages to leave you with a feel-good vibe even with the film's predictable nature.

Lows: Supporting act feels weak at waves and does not shine through. At its core the film lacks realisticness and relativity.

Rating: 4 ****



 Warrior (2011)

The reason that I watch movies is to be entertained. And if my entertainment craving is gruntled by the end of a movie I can just call it faultless without being too critical about anything else. 'Warrior' is a master entertainer from A to Z. where action and emotion blend seamlessly. Outstanding determination of the whole movie-making team is evident on-screen with high-quality adrenaline rush and edge of the seat moments.

Highs: Excellent build of the first half is met by the properly amusing second half that lands home with a perfect and bumpless ending. Fills up your satisfaction hankering with some top-tier byproduct. The writing and camera team's work is so good that you feel a sense of appreciation for their effort.

Lows: Acting, in particular, is not mind-blowing and leaves with room for improvement from the entire cast.

Rating: 5 *****


Uncut Gems


If a title is supposed to describe the credibility of a project Uncut Gems does that with perfection. An absolute gem of a movie and a must-watch for every genre of movie lovers. Adam Sandler showed versatility as an actor like he has never before. Supporting characters also shine bright like a diamond. Screenplay and direction are the main stars of the film and it is absolutely breathtaking. 

Highs: The Build and strength of the story is the best in their class and are role models for films of similar style and genre. Dialogues are as good as they come and flawlessly executed. The ending is jaw-dropping and I'm gonna call it the best ending of any movie ever period.

Lows: While the build is in progress in the first half the film comes across as slow-paced and slightly puzzling while testing your patience.

Rating: 5 *****


Wednesday 22 July 2020

The Brothers Bloom

The Brothers Bloom (2008) - Posters — The Movie Database (TMDb)

When a movie is based on a curiosity enthralling plot, has talented lead actors, big-budget and production value, exotic locations you would expect it to be good. The Brothers Bloom has all that but lamentably is still a pretty miserable movie. The storytelling is extremely frustrating and even an absorbing setting and idea fails to create enough captivating scenes. Dialogues and character writing are average at best  and you through the second half you keep waiting for it to get good and it doesn't until the ending

Highs: Ends really well and brings closure to its fairish characters. Location and production value feel of good quality and adds value to the project.

Lows: Acting does not impress from the entire team which is a shame for a talented cast. Scene sequencing and pacing are impeding and lack of energy throughout is evident. The first half feels very confusing and you can tell really early that this is going to be a bumpy ride.

Rating: 2**

Thursday 16 July 2020


Juno Movie Trailer, Reviews and More | TV Guide

Juno was an impressive movie all in all. The actors have worked really hard to portray some rare human emotions that you don't often see in films. Surrounded by the tensions of a pregnant teen the girl the script manages to keep things light yet illustrates some serious thoughtful moments. However, from an experience standpoint, it does not manage to be an extraordinary film. Certain aspects of the story feel pensive and downbeat. Characters feel out of sync with one another and that really halts to bring the best out of this otherwise excellent movie.

Highs: Writing is a beautiful work of craft. Acting by lead actor Ellen Macguff is a spectacle and she drives this with a lot of clarity, creed, and principle. The heartwarming moments are captured in a non-cringy, subtle way and that is one of the toughest acts to achieve in filmmaking.

Lows: Certain characters and angels are gloomy and lack approval. The ending even with all its sweetness feels predictable and could have been much better.

Rating: 3 ***

Tuesday 14 July 2020


SELMA movie poster – Heritage UU Church

Very few scripts have stayed so true and loyal to its striking and shocking real history than Selma's. Its a movie about authentic original events that will not only give you an epic showing of antiquity but also teach you a solid lesson on human behavior, passion, honor, and devotion. Character writing and adaption are of regal standards. Dialogues are extremely touching and generate warmth, agitation, rage, and remorse. First half and second half blends simultaneously and the splendid ending compliments this extraordinary saga of de facto.

Highs: Almost every minute of the movie are highs. Presentation and adaption to real events are very distinguished and rarely done this perfectly. David Oyelowo's performance as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is hands downs the best adaption of a character I have ever witnessed in a visual media.

Lows: Pacing is slightly slow in the first half.

Rating: 5 *****


Saturday 11 July 2020


Conviction. Just watched this movie last night. Great film ...

Conviction is a movie about one of the most persistent characters I have ever seen in a motion picture. Played by a brilliant Hilary Swank the character drives the script on her own and quality writing helps her end things without dropping any of the palatial standards. This approach of relying too heavily on one character backfires in the second half and even though the film ends on a high it loses points for under using the strength of the script, storytelling, and other effulgent personalities.

Highs: First half has tons of craft and allows the audience enough breathing space to have a grasp of the seemingly complicated plot. The screenplay does a magnificent job of bringing the best of the main lead and that is most definitely the film's strength.

Lows: The storytelling part feels week and emotions are not enough organized. The presentation and ambiance feel dull and low. 

Rating: 4 ****


Friday 10 July 2020


Joke's on You, Joker is King of the Box Office Right Now – The ...

Very few movies have made me feel how Joker did. Rarely a tale of an unorthodox personality has been told this graphically, accurately, and uniquely. The film making team deserves full marks for being brave and attempting to portray what an anti-hero is all about through slick and stylish storytelling. Leadman Joaquin Phoenix gets under the skin of his character like a very few actors can. Having said all that it's nowhere near a perfect movie. Its dark, sickening at times, and the screenplay and script is something most people will not appreciate. 

Highs: Acting is extraordinary especially form the lead. Dialogues are heavy and hit with real depth while trying to cover many different aspects. Music and screenplay add slyness to the film's arsenal and deserve a lot of credence.

Lows: The dark ambiance is really too much and even for the genre lovers this will feel extreme. The ending builds up well and explodes but sadly that feels more like a crash.

Rating: 4 ****


Monday 6 July 2020

Motherless Brooklyn

Get Retro in the “Motherless Brooklyn” Trailer – Vol. 1 Brooklyn

Make sure you have a lot of diligence and spare time before you start watching 'Motherless Brooklyn' because it will test every bit of your composure. But if you are patient enough the movie will reward you. By the time you'd wanna praise the script, the film will tire and drain you with overbearing dialogues and a prosaic trip through the hard-hitting streets of New York City in the '50s. Heavily populated with a lot of different storylines the film demands so much of your attention and focus that it forgets to create an enjoyable experience for the audience.

Highs: Casting and acting is top-notch and even with the crowded line up of stories the film manages good sequencing between scenes. Starts off the bat with a motive and sets up a good pace. The ending is also solid and earns points on its own.

Lows: Scriptwriting is tangling. Throws overmuch and tries way too hard to become an acceptable film. The ambiance is also dull and doesn't help the fulfillment process.

Rating: 2.5 **/*



Prime Video: Moon

A solid film about survival, craftmanship, endurance, and 
conspiracy 'Moon' is impressive at every level it appears. The first half is slightly delusional but once it settles in it creates intrigue and mystic. It also makes you ask a lot of questions. The second half does a good job of answering those questions but again plays a little too much with phantasm which is either a hit or miss. Lead (and only) actor Sam Rockwell delivers an Oscar-worthy performance and is really the heart and soul of the film from every aspect. Kevin Spacey also produces a thankless but highly impressive performance.

Highs: The ambiance, mysticness, set pieces, and CGI are extremely good and deserve a lot of praise for making 'Moon' a must-watch space odyssey. The ending is sumptuous and adds a satisfying feeling. The science behind the sci-fi is very gravitating and well portrayed through the script.

Lows: Lack of clarity in dialogues makes the film more abstruse than it should have been.

Rating: 4 ****


Saturday 4 July 2020


Anton Volkov on Twitter: "You're welcome. PASSENGERS U.S. teaser ...

Don't watch Passengers with the mindset of a science fiction film and you'll be fine. It's highly pleasurable and congenial. Offers enough suspense, drama, and harmless fun. Fatal flaws stars to appear when it tries to wear a science fiction mask and it's utter nonsense from that aspect. Other than that fundamental part it deserves merit for its efforts to please.

Highs: Atmosphere creation is the top class. The story is easy to recognize and has a lot of punch. Dialogues are written simplistically and it reflects. As a whole the film is naive and under driven approach works mostly in its favor.

Lows: Makes no sense at all from the sci-fi angle which it attempts to portray. Characters are written poorly and you barely feel the emotion. Acting is nothing special either. The ending is dull and foreseeable. A noncontender for a genuine space odyssey if you have seen the good ones.

Rating: 3.5 ***/*


The Lovebirds

Is 'The Lovebirds' available to watch on Netflix in Australia or ...

A fun romantic comedy-drama that gets points for being a light-hearted harmless movie. Great chemistry by the two leads makes this an enjoyable affair. The problem is the movie is discouragingly unambitious. It never wants to achieve anything more than what it is and the production value feels cheap and unwilling to commit to bigger things.

Highs: Lead actors have done a scintillating job to make sure you enjoy this movie and watch till the end. Dialogues are quick-witted and sparkling. The story is light and agile and scores easy points on the likeability scale.

Lows: Never achieve anything extraordinary. Most things in the script to direction is decent but not great. The ending is meh and does not provide a punch or surprise. Overall the entire film suffers from mediocrity syndrome.

Rating: 3 ***


The High Note

International Edition] Who Run The World? Girls 🦸‍♀️ - KKBOX

An exceptional modern film about successful celebrity life and how people who live around fame are affected by it. The High Note deserves a lot of praise for the fresh, crispy idea behind its scrip and how it manages to handle the emotion it produces. Background music is of top caliber and adds a lot of credibilities. Lead Dakota John and main supporting actor Tracee Ellis Ross have electric chemistry between them and even though their scenes together are limited they manage to produce memorable experiences whenever given the chance.

Highs: Direction has style and conviction from beginning to end. Excellent music adds punch and boosts the ambiance. One twist in particular towards the end is subtle, sweet, and surprisingly welcoming.

Lows: Acting except for the lead and main supporting actors don't impress in particular which adds discredit to the character and dialogue writing team somewhat.

Rating: 4 ****


The Florida Project

The Florida Project movie poster #1538196 -

The story of 6-year-old Moonee and her mother is a tale of pain, suffering and above all harsh reality. It's a unique indie movie that pursues top quality presentation. Acted magnificently by the lead and the supporting characters the film tells a very material story. However, it's a genre of movie that is not my cup of tea and I ended up not enjoying the straight forward style of storytelling.

Highs: Dialogue and presentation are of the highest quality. Each character serves a purpose and its screen played wonderfully.

Lows; Sadly the film lacks motive and x-factor. The script is way too laggy and the film misses out on many opportunities on bringing in some punch and interests.

Rating: 2.5 **/*



Aiyash Chore - Song Download from Gurgaon @ JioSaavn

A dark thriller Gurgaon is far from your average Bollywood movie. The film has a lot of brawn in its core. It has deep cataclysmic secrets that are revealed in a very unconventional way. However, the plot moves in a way that is extremely puzzling and lacks an explanation for a lot of its characters. Ambiance and pacing suffer from a lack of quality and fail miserably at times.

Highs: The ending is surprising and adds punch to the plot. Certain scenes are extremely deep and carry a lot of emotion. Decently acted.

Lows: Characters are confusingly written and major frustration is produced throughout because of that. Sequencing of scenes is bemusing. The overall atmosphere is really dark and that fails to play to the film's strength.

Rating: 2.5 **/*



Widows – Film Review – Jason "Jabba" Davis

An emotional thriller that packs enough punch to keep you gripped for most of its course. The film has its strengths and when it plays by it you will be excited Nevertheless it fails to play by those strengths more often than it should and makes its audience lost. The story lacks diligence and stops caring through the middle and becomes frustrating for a pretty formidable chunk of its length which is unforgiving.

Highs: Appreciable acting by lead lady Viola Davis. Most characters have been given a strong motive and well portrayed. Action and torture scenes are a seamless and leading example for its class. The ending has a massive contort in it which is a distinctly pleasant affair.

Lows: Story lacks connection. Dialogues are unimpressive and the script fails to produce enough memorable experiences even with a high budget and a star-studded cast.

Rating: 3 ***


Marley & Me

Marley and Me (2008) A family learns important life lessons from ...

In the mood for a movie, you can watch with your family and feel stronger together? Look no far then. Marley & Me is built around a pet dog and his life but the process portrays strong human emotions and generates significant moments. The script does a really good job of sticking to its solidity and screens some real, vivid, and true to life scenes. Towards the end, things scramble a little bit but it does recover well.

Highs: The writing team emphasized quite a lot to make sure that this becomes an emotional family-friendly affair and they have perfectly nailed it. Characters have a lot of drama, laughs, frustrations and emotions in them and it's an enjoyable experience to see it unveil. The ending is also solid.

Lows: Editing is a bit unpleasant overall. The second half processes too much in too little time and that gives a bad aftertaste.

Rating: 4 ****


You're Next

You're Next (2011) — A to Z Horror | Horror Movie Reviews

A Bona-Fide action horror movie that with a lead more powerful, persistent and bad ass than any marvel superhero. 'You're Next' is a celebration of kicking ass of the evil. Its chilling at times and a vastly enjoyable experience. Supporting act serves their purpose but is weak at best since the script doesn't license them to do much.

Highs Things move with urgency at all times and it's very fun to see hard-hitting combination of action and thriller. Some Jaw-dropping moments blended with gore is also the film's strength. The lead character is written with conviction and it shows. The ending is also witty and fun.

Lows: Focuses too much on glorifying the lead and makes everything else feeble. The story misses out on some humorous opportunity which would have made it an even greater motion capture experience.

Rating: 4 ****


I am Legend

Movie Review: I am Legend | wordsofwistim

A classic and well-grounded movie made with humility and does a great job of nailing the basics. Will Smith produces some phenomenal performances even with very little to work with. However, the film has very perceptible flaws all over. Atmosphere creation and dialogue delivery are average to poor. As a result, a mix of ebb and flow lingers consistently until the credits roll.

Highs: Character writing is good You feel the struggle of the lead very vividly and that's a feat. The supporting act played by a dog is a noticeable technical feat.

Lows: Misses out big time on a more emotional touch in the story. The theme of the movie as a whole feels misty. Overlooks the dramatic side of the plot by some distance; therefore never hits the extra special mark.

Rating: 3.5 ***/*


This is 40

This is 40. This was a funny story about a dysfunctional family ...

By the name, it will probably be justified to assume that this movie is going to give you a real look into how '40s are like. Well, it starts on that note for sure. Some solid laughs in the first half along with a very real feeling of the '40s. But then the movie stars getting tangled into a ton of nonsensual drama. Part of the script is poorly written and feels stubborn. It assumes that the IQ of its audience is really low and just wanna spoon feed you.

Highs: The first half is great. Authentic scenes and indelible laughs. Paul Rudd is his own known self and he does a great job of sticking to his strengths.

Lows; Dialogues are bad. A ton of repetition in the script and some scenes are plain unnecessary. Some characters are pointless and do not help the story at all.

Rating: 2.5 **/*


Today's Blog

Scare Me!